The Top 20 Business Reasons to Use Social Media Marketing
Improve customer and prospect relationships
Conduct inexpensive yet effective market research
Build brand awareness, authority and credibility
Drive traffic to your website
Ability to obtain insight into targeted niche markets
Find new distribution channels
Improve search engine rankings through link building
Find and research targeted decision makers, prospects, customers and contacts
Monitor reputation - what are people saying about you or your company
Attain expert status for you, your company or your brand
An effective form of communicating with past, present and future clients
Share information used to educate prospects
Spy on your competition
Provides increased visibility for you, your products or your brand
Generate more leads
Get more referrals
Find joint venture partners
A new vehicle to post PR, events and articles
Provide better customer service
And of course - INCREASE SALES!
More importantly however, this article stresses a very vital component to using social media successfully and that component is simply that the skill set used in traditional marketing is not the same skill set used in social media marketing. In order to succeed in today's market place PRs and marketers are going to have to constantly strive to stay on top on the many new tools available to them AND learn how each of these tools can be used to obtain the products that they used to obtain through traditional channels.